46: A Date With Dad

(bulk 1798-1956)

Table of Contents

  • 24.2.1 Correspondence
  • 24.2.2 Logs
  • 24.2.3 Muster rolls
  • 24.2.4 Records of units attached to the Bureau of Navigation
  • 24.2.5 Other records
  • 24.3.1 Records relating to naval officers
  • 24.3.2 Records relating to enlisted men
  • 24.3.3 Records relating to naval apprentices
  • 24.6.1 Records of the Chaplains Division
  • 24.6.2 Records of the Division of Naval Militia Affairs
  • 24.6.3 Records of the Naval Reserve Division
  • 24.6.4 Records of the Division of Officers and Fleet
  • 24.6.5 Records of the Naval Academy Division
  • 24.6.6 Records of the Morale Division
  • 24.6.7 Records of the Training Division
  • 24.8 RECORDS OF FIELD ESTABLISHMENTS 1838-1970 (bulk 1838-1946)
  • 24.8.1 Records of the U.S. Naval Home, Philadelphia, PA
  • 24.8.2 Records of the Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
  • 24.8.3 Records of the Indoctrination School for Officers, Fort Schuyler, NY
  • 24.8.4 Records of the Enlisted Naval Training School (Radio), Bedford Springs, PA
  • 24.8.5 Records of the V-12 Unit, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
  • 24.8.6 Records of the Naval Midshipmen's School, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
  • 24.8.7 Records of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, Yale University, New Haven, CT
  • 24.10 MOTION PICTURES (GENERAL) 1917-27
  • 24.12 STILL PICTURES (GENERAL) 1892-1945

I split up from her father five years ago and although I have a reasonably amicable relationship with him, my daughter does not. He's in a new relationship and chooses to believe what he wants; he. In A Date with Dad (and Other Calamities), meet families just like yours - only with a few more wacky situations! Plus, you'll join Eugene's action-packed search for his father - a hunt that takes Whit and Eugene. RunAsDate is a small utility that allows you to run a program in the date and time that you specify. This utility doesn't change the current system date and time of your computer, but it only injects the date/time that you specify into the desired application. A Date with Dad (and Other Calamities) explores responsibility, growing up, and other themes. Bonus features include the first-ever audio commentary with the writers and producers! Listen to the episode “Switch,” then learn how the show was created, fun facts on sound design, and much more in a separate 25 minute bonus track.


Established: In the Department of the Navy by an act of May 13,1942 (56 Stat. 276).

Predecessor Agencies:

In the War Department:

  • Office of the Secretary of War (personnel functions, 1789-98)

In the Department of the Navy:

  • Office of the Secretary of the Navy (personnel functions, 1798-1862)
  • Board of Navy Commissioners (personnel functions, 1815-42)
  • Office of Detail (1861-89)
  • Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting (personnel functions, 1862-89)
  • Bureau of Navigation (personnel functions, 1889-1942)

46: A Date With Daddy

Functions: Exercises oversight responsibility for the NavalMilitary Personnel Command, Navy Recruiting Command, and NavalCivilian Personnel Center. Administers all personnel matters forthe U.S. Navy.

Finding Aids: Virgil E. Baugh, comp., Preliminary Inventory ofthe Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, PI 123 (1960); LeeD. Saegesser and Harry Schwartz, comps., 'Supplement toPreliminary Inventory No. 123, Records of the Bureau of NavalPersonnel,' NM 74 (Jan. 1967); supplement in National Archivesmicrofiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Security-Classified Records: This record group may includematerial that is security-classified.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Bureau ofNaval Personnel in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.


History: War Department, established by act of August 7, 1789 (1Stat. 49), handled personnel functions for the U.S. Navy until aseparate Department of the Navy was established by act of April30, 1798 (1 Stat. 553). Personnel duties centralized in theimmediate office of the Secretary of the Navy, 1798-1862,assisted by the Board of Navy Commissioners, established by actof February 7, 1815 (3 Stat. 202), and abolished by act of August31, 1842 (5 Stat. 579). Responsibility for detailing (assigning)officers delegated to Office of Detail, 1861 (SEE 24.4).Responsibility for enlisting and recruiting navy personnelassigned to Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, 1862 (SEE 24.5).Personnel functions of Bureau of Equipment and Recruitingtransferred to Bureau of Navigation, 1889. Bureau of Navigationredesignated Bureau of Naval Personnel, 1942. SEE 24.1.

24.2.1 Correspondence

Textual Records: Letters sent to the President, Congressmen, andExecutive departments, 1877-1911; the Secretary of the Navy,naval establishments, and officers, 1850-1911; commandants, 1862-1911; and enlisted personnel and apprentices, 1864-1911. Letterssent concerning civilian personnel, 1903-9; and aviation, 1911-12. General letters sent, 1885-96. Miscellaneous letters sent,1862-1911. Letters received, 1862-89. General correspondence(6,043 ft.), 1889-1945, with record cards, 1903-25; subjectcards, 1903-45; and history cards, 1925-42. Indexes and registersof letters sent and received, and of general correspondence,1862-1903. Correspondence relating to vessels, personnel, andnaval activities, 1885-1921.

24.2.2 Logs

Textual Records: Logs of U.S. naval ships and stations, 1801-1946(72,500 vols., 8,060 ft.), and 1945-61 (12,000 vols., 6,980 ft.);with indexes and lists, 1801-1940. Microfilm copy of log ofU.S.S. Constitution, 1813-15 (1 roll). Logs of the Germanmerchant vessels Prinz Waldemar and Prinz Sigismund, 1903-14.Communication logs and signal record books, 1897-1922. Signallogs and codebooks, 1917-19. Operational and signal logs of U.S.Navy armed guard units aboard merchant vessels, 1943-45. Manuscript ('rough') log and night order book of the U.S.S. Missouri, 1944-45.

Microfilm Publications: M1030.

Finding Aids: Claudia Bradley, Michael Kurtz, Rebecca Livingston,Timothy Mulligan, Muriel Parseghian, Paul Vanderveer, and JamesYale, comps., List of Logbooks of U.S. Navy Ships, Stations, andMiscellaneous Units, 1801-1947, SL 44 (1978).

24.2.3 Muster rolls

Textual Records: Muster rolls of ships, 1860-1900; and ships andstations, 1891-1900. Muster rolls of ships and shoreestablishments, 1898-1939. Civil War muster rolls, 1861, 1863. Microfilm copies of muster rolls of ships, stations, and othernaval activities, 1939-71 (25,279 rolls), with indexes.

24.2.4 Records of units attached to the Bureau of Navigation

Textual Records: Letters sent by the Signal Office, 1869-86.Records of the Coast Signal Service, 1898, consisting ofcorrespondence regarding the establishment of signal stations;headquarters correspondence; correspondence of districtheadquarters with signal stations; letters sent andcorrespondence of the First District Office, Boston, MA (inBoston), Second District Office, New York, NY (in New York),Third District Office, Norfolk, VA (in Philadelphia), FourthDistrict Office, Charleston, SC (in Atlanta), Fifth DistrictOffice, Jacksonville, FL (in Atlanta), Sixth District Office,Pensacola, FL (in Atlanta), and Seventh District Office, NewOrleans, LA (in Fort Worth); and vessel movement telegrams.Personnel jackets of applicants for and appointees to the Boardof Visitors of the U.S. Naval Academy, 1910-13.

24.2.5 Other records

Textual Records: Annual reports of the Chief of the Bureau ofNavigation, 1897-1904. Naval militia bills, 1909-10. Applicationsand registers of employees, 1861-1915. Records showingcomplements of ships and shore units, 1891-1913. Watch, quarter,and station billbooks, 1887-1911.


24.3.1 Records relating to naval officers

Textual Records: Application, examination, and appointmentrecords, 1838-1940. Commissions and warrants, 1844-1936. Ordersand related records, 1883-1903. Identification, 1917-21, and age,1862-63, certificates. Registers, rosters, and records showingcomplements, 1799-1909. Personnel jackets and other records,1900-25, including a microfilm copy of index to officers' jackets(2 rolls). Service records, 1798-1924. Miscellaneous records,1863-92.

Microfilm Publications: M330, T1102.

Photographs (5,483 images): Navy and Marine Corps commissionedand non-commissioned officers and their families, 1904-38 (P, PP,PA, PB, PC, PD). SEE ALSO 24.12.

24.3.2 Records relating to enlisted men

Textual Records: Records, 1885-1941, relating to enlisted men whoserved between 1842 and 1885 (340 ft.). Correspondence jacketsfor enlisted men, 1904-43. Microfilm copy of an index torendezvous reports, muster rolls, and other personnel records,1846-84 (67 rolls). Registers and lists of recruits, 1861-73.Enlistment returns, changes, and reports, 1846-1942. Continuousservice certificates, 1865-99. Records concerning discharges anddesertions, 1882-1920.

Microfilm Publications: T1098, T1099, T1100, T1101.

24.3.3 Records relating to naval apprentices

Textual Records: Certificates of consent for minors, 1838-67.'Apprentice papers,' 1864-89. Journal of enlistments, U.S.S.Allegheny, 1865-68. General record of apprentices, U.S.S.Portsmouth, 1867-68. Records relating to apprentices andapprentice training methods, U.S.S. Sabine, 1864-68. Register ofenlistments, 1864-75.

46: A Date With Dad


History: Established in Office of the Secretary of the Navy,March 1861, to handle assignment and detailing of officers.Placed under Bureau of Navigation, April 28, 1865. Reverted toOffice of the Secretary by General Order 322, Department of theNavy, October 1, 1884. Restored to Bureau of Navigation byGeneral Order 337, Department of the Navy, May 22, 1885. Absorbedby Bureau of Navigation and superseded by Division of Officersand Fleet (SEE 24.6.4) pursuant to Navy Departmentreorganization, effective June 30, 1889, by General Order 372,Department of the Navy, June 25, 1889.

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1865-90. Letters received, 1865-86, with registers, 1865-90.

1856-1928 (bulk 1862-89)

46: A Date With Dad Wants

History: Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting established by an actof July 5, 1862 (12 Stat. 510), as one of three bureaus createdto supersede the Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair,one of the original Navy Department bureaus established by theact abolishing the Board of Navy Commissioners (5 Stat. 579),August 31, 1842. Initially responsible for recruiting andequipping officers, managing naval enlisted personnel and, after1875, directing the apprentice training system. Acquiredresponsibility for supervision of the Naval Observatory, NauticalAlmanac Office, Office of the Superintendent of Compasses, andOffice of the Inspector of Electrical Appliances in an exchangeof functions with the Bureau of Navigation (SEE 24.6) in the NavyDepartment reorganization of June 30, 1889, by General Order 372,Navy Department, June 25, 1889. Acquired Hydrographic Office fromBureau of Navigation by General Order 72, Department of the Navy,May 9, 1898, implementing an act of May 4, 1898 (30 Stat. 374).Redesignated Bureau of Equipment by the Naval ServicesAppropriation Act (26 Stat. 192), June 30, 1890. Functionallyabolished by redistribution of responsibilities pursuant to anact of June 24, 1910 (36 Stat. 613), effective June 30, 1910.Formally abolished by act of June 30, 1914 (38 Stat. 408).

Textual Records: Letters sent to the Secretary of the Navy, 1862-85; the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, 1865-85; the Commissionerof Pensions, 1871-85; the Superintendent of the U.S. NavalAcademy, 1865-83; and china, glass, and plated waremanufacturers, 1869-82. General letters sent, 1865-89. Letterssent to commanders of squadrons and naval forces, 1865-83; andcommandants of navy yards and stations and other officers, 1862-85. Letters received from the Secretary of the Navy, 1862-85; theFourth Auditor and Second Comptroller of the Treasury, 1865-86;and the Commissioner of Pensions, 1882-85. Letters received fromofficers, 1862-85; and commandants of navy yards, 1862-85.Miscellaneous letters received, 1862-85, 1889-92. Indexes andregisters of letters sent and received, 1862-90. Conduct reportsand shipping articles, 1857-1910. Records of discharges anddesertions, 1856-89. Continuous service certificates and recordsof merit awards, 1863-1928. Records relating to navalapprentices, 1880-86. Record of vessel complements, n.d.

Related Records: Records of the Bureau of Equipment in RG 19,Records of the Bureau of Ships.


History: Established in the reorganization of the Navy Departmentunder authority of an act of July 5, 1862 (12 Stat. 510), as oneof three bureaus created to supersede the Bureau of Construction,Equipment, and Repair, one of the original Navy Departmentbureaus established by the act abolishing the Board of NavyCommissioners (5 Stat. 579), August 31, 1842. Initiallyresponsible for providing nautical charts and instruments and forsupervising the Naval Observatory, Hydrographic Office, andNautical Almanac Office. Acquired personnel responsibilities inan exchange of functions with the Bureau of Equipment andRecruiting (SEE 24.5) in the Navy Department reorganization ofJune 30, 1889, by General Order 372, Navy Department, June 25,1889.

Assigned to newly established Division of Personnel in NavyDepartment reorganization pursuant to Changes in Navy RegulationsNo. 6, November 18, 1909. Restored to autonomous bureau statusupon abolishment of Division of Personnel by Changes in NavyRegulations and Navy Instructions No. 1, April 25, 1913. RenamedBureau of Naval Personnel, 1942. SEE 24.1.

Hydrographic Office formally transferred to Bureau of Equipment,successor to Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, by General Order72, Department of the Navy, May 9, 1898, implementing an act ofMay 4, 1898 (30 Stat. 374). Hydrographic Office and NavalObservatory (which had absorbed the Nautical Almanac Office,1894, and the Office of the Superintendent of Compasses, 1906)returned to Bureau of Navigation, July 1, 1910, pursuant to anact of June 24, 1910 (36 Stat. 613), dispersing the functions ofthe Bureau of Equipment (SEE 24.5). Transferred to Office of theChief of Naval Operations by EO 9126, April 8, 1942.

24.6.1 Records of the Chaplains Division

History: Established 1917 to centralize administration ofexpanded force of navy chaplains.

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1916-40. Biographical data aboutchaplains, 1804-1923. Miscellaneous records, 1898-1946.

Sound Recordings (1 item): 'The Peacemakers,' Memorial Day NavyDepartment broadcast on National Broadcasting Company,commemorating war dead of the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, and MarineCorps, May 30, 1945.

Photographs (648 images): Of paintings and other graphic mediarelating to navy events, 1917-45 (FP, 64 images). Navy chaplainswho served between 1799 and 1941, n.d. (PNC, NCP; 572 images).Navy religious facilities, 1930-40 (NRF, 12 images). SEE ALSO24.12.

24.6.2 Records of the Division of Naval Militia Affairs

History: Supervision of state naval militias vested in AssistantSecretary of War, 1891-1909. Transferred to Personnel Division,December 1, 1909, where Office of Naval Militia established,1911. Functions assigned to Bureau of Navigation, 1912, whereDivision of Naval Militia Affairs established by General Order93, Department of the Navy, April 12, 1914. State naval militiasenrolled in National Naval Volunteers (NNV) during World War I.Federal laws respecting naval militias and NNV repealed, July 1,1918, and Division of Naval Militia Affairs subsequentlydiscontinued.

Textual Records: General records, 1891-1918. Index tocorrespondence, 1903-10. Letters sent, 1891-1911. Organizationreports, 1913-15. Summaries of units' enrolled forces, 1915-16.Naval militia ratings' qualification certificates, July-December1916. Allowance books, 1912-17.

24.6.3 Records of the Naval Reserve Division

Textual Records: Inspection reports of organized naval reserveunits, 1st and 9th Naval Districts, 1928-40.

24.6.4 Records of the Division of Officers and Fleet

History: Successor in the Bureau of Navigation to the Office ofDetail, 1889.

Textual Records: Letters received, 1887-90. Correspondence, 1891-96. Registers of correspondence, 1891-96. Appointments ofpaymaster clerks, 1889-91; and acceptances of appointments, 1891-98. Lists of naval and marine officers, and civilian officials atyards and stations, 1890-94.

24.6.5 Records of the Naval Academy Division

History: Bureau of Navigation, upon its establishment in 1862,assumed supervision of the U.S. Naval Academy from the Bureau ofOrdnance and Hydrography. Responsibility delegated to NavalAcademy Division, or Naval Academy Section, at an undetermineddate.

Textual Records: General correspondence of the AcademySuperintendent, 1851-58. Appointment letters, 1894-1940.Personnel files (jackets) of naval cadets, principally those whofailed to graduate, 1862-1910. Registers of midshipmen, 1869-96.

Related Records: Records of the U.S. Naval Academy, RG 405.

24.6.6 Records of the Morale Division

History: Established as the Sixth Division by Bureau ofNavigation Circular Letter 33-19, March 11, 1919, uponrecommendation of the Navy Department Commission on Training CampActivities, to maintain morale of naval personnel. RedesignatedMorale Division, 1921. Transferred to the Training Division asthe Welfare and Recreation Section, 1923.

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1918-24. Correspondenceof the Commission on Training Camp Activities, 1918-20.Correspondence with foreign stations, 1920; and relating toports, 1918-20. Recreation expenditure reports, 1920-22.

24.6.7 Records of the Training Division

History: Established April 19, 1917, to administer trainingprograms for enlisted men in World War I. Reduced to sectionstatus in Enlisted Personnel Division, 1919. Restored to divisionstatus, March 1, 1923.

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1918-23. Administrativecorrespondence relating to training units, 1917-22. Records ofthe Welfare and Recreation Section, 1923-40. Morale reports,1924-25. Reports on Naval Reserve training activities in Missouri(in Kansas City) and Indiana (in Chicago), 1923-25.


Textual Records: Regulations maintained in the Office of theChief of Naval Personnel relating to women accepted for volunteeremergency service, 1942-45. Records of the Administrative and Management Division, consisting of Bureau general correspondence, 1946-60; Bureau secret general correspondence, 1957-60; Bureau confidential general correspondence, 1925-60; case files of Bureau of Personnel instructions, 1950-86; and the document collection of the Technical Library, 1900-85. World War II administrative history of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, prepared by the Planning andControl Activity, n.d. Records of the Personnel Diary Section, consisting of microfilm copies of muster rolls, 1948-59. Records of the Training Division, consisting of historical files of Navy training activities, 1940-45; program files relating to the V-12 program, 1942-48; program files relating to officer training, 1928-46; records relating to U.S. Naval Academy expansion, 1962-63; and program files relating to the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps, 1964-68. Records of the Assistant Chief of Naval personnel for Reserve and Naval District Affairs, consisting of Naval Reserve program files, 1946-56. General records of the Physical FitnessSection, 1942-46, and the Recreation Services Section, 1943-46,of the Special Services Division. Records of the Publicity andAdvertising Section, Recruiting and Induction Division, relatingto the navy recruiting program, 1940-45. Records of the Recruiting Division, consisting of issuances relating to recruiting, 1955-68. Records of the Corrections Division, consisting of program files relating to naval corrections policies and facilities, 1944-51. Records of the Policy Division, consisting of case files on changes to the Bureau of Personnel manual, 1948-68; administrative records, 1956-69; daily reports of enlisted personnel, 1914-46; summary periodic statistical reports on military personnel, 1943-71; and operating force plans for the US fleet, 1928-43. Records of the Plans Division, consisting of correspondence relating to mobilization and Naval Reserves planning, 1950-64; and chronological file, 1950-60. Records of the Navy Occupational Classification Systems Management Division, consisting of case files relating to Navy ratings, 1945-78; and board, committee, and other reports relating to Navy ratings and grades, 1945-78. Casualty Branch records relating to casualties, prisoners of war, awards, and administrative matters, 1917-53. Records of the Casualty Assistance Branch of the Personal Affairs Division, consisting of ships, stations, units, and incidents casualty information files, 1941-60; casualty notification case files for Korean War and post-Korean War era Navy POWs/MIAs, 1963-86; alphabetical listing of casualties, 1941-53; casualty lists for World War II battles ('Battle Books'), 1941-45; records relating to the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis, 1945; and VIP and group funeral files, 1940-67. Records of the Decorations and Medals Branch of the Personal Affairs Division, consisting of correspondence relating to US Navy awards to members of armed forces of foreign nations, 1942-63; eligibility lists for service medals and engagement stars, 1942-61; case files for Navy unit commendations and presidential unit citations, 1903-53; case files of World War II awards by delegated authority, 1941-48; Bureau of Navigation file of Navy Department Board of Awards correspondence and recommendations, 1917-20; and decorations and awards records from the Bureau of Personnel central files, 1946-73. Records of the Chief of Navy Chaplains, consisting of correspondence with chaplains, 1941-59; and annual, activity, and trip reports, 1949-57. Records of the Inspector General, consisting of inspection reports of Bureau of Personnel activities, 1959-80. Records of boards and committees, consisting of records of the Navy and Marine Corps Policy Board on Personnel Retention, 1966-69; and records of naval aviator evaluation boards, 1970-80. General records of the Naval Research Personnel Board, 1944-45.

1838-1970 (bulk 1838-1946)


24.8.1 Records of the U.S. Naval Home, Philadelphia, PA

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Letters sent, 1838-1911.Letters received, 1845-1909. General correspondence, 1910-40.Regulations governing the Naval Home, 1900, 1916. Station logs,1842-1942.

24.8.2 Records of the Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Letters sent and received,1855-63. Journal of activities, 1870-71. Admission and dischargeregisters, 1867-1917.

24.8.3 Records of the Indoctrination School for Officers, Fort
Schuyler, NY

Textual Records (in New York): General correspondence, 1941-46.Subject files, 1941-46. Muster cards, 1942-46.

46: A Date With Dad Gives

24.8.4 Records of the Enlisted Naval Training School (Radio),
Bedford Springs, PA

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): General correspondence, 1942-45. Subject files, 1942-45. Muster cards, 1942-44.

24.8.5 Records of the V-12 Unit, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

Textual Records (in Boston): General correspondence, 1942-46.Subject files, 1942-46.

24.8.6 Records of the Naval Midshipmen's School, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL

Textual Records (in Chicago): General correspondence, 1941-45.Records of the supply officer, 1941-45.

46: a date with dad daughter

24.8.7 Records of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, Yale
University, New Haven, CT

Textual Records (in Boston): Administrative files of thecommanding officer, 1941-70; and the Professor of Naval Scienceand Tactics, 1926-38.


Maps: Manuscript maps showing American and Spanish navaloperations in Cuban waters during the Spanish-American War, 1898(4 items). Strategic charts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and worldoceans, showing distances between major ports, 1912-13 (4 items).Published maps of the United States, showing naval administrativedistricts and headquarters, 1919, 1935 (2 items). Pictorial wallmap of the South China Sea, showing naval battles (1941-42),Japanese invasion routes, and location of economic products ofinterest to Japan, such as oil, rubber, and tin, 1944 (1 item).


World War I naval operations and activities, including anti-submarine patrols, minelaying, convoy and escort duty, submarinemaneuvers, and training; ship launching and maintenance; torpedoproduction and firing; Liberty Loan promotions and patrioticcelebrations; Armistice celebrations; captured German equipment;U.S. and foreign political and military leaders; foreign navalvessels; President Woodrow Wilson's second inauguration; theairship Los Angeles (ZRS-3) over New York; and lighter-than-aircraft rescuing fishermen, 1917-18 (44 reels). Naval activitiesafter World War I, including aerial mapping techniques, rescue ofArmenian refugees from Turkey, evacuation of personnel fromgrounded and burning ships, escort duty, and training, 1918-27(57 reels).


SEE UNDER 24.6.1.


Photographs (483 images): Artwork on navy subjects, portraits ofFranklin D. Roosevelt, and a bronze relief of George Washingtonat Valley Forge, 1917-45 (PNCP, 13 images). Designs for medalsand awards, views of navy ships and personnel, Egyptian scenes,and portrait and statue of John Paul Jones, 1892-1935 (PM, 70images). Ships, aircraft, recruiting posters, and navy personnel,including the members of the Naval Aeronautical Expedition(1917), 1917-19 (PNA, 400 images).

Photographic Prints (4,745 images): President Herbert Hoover andcrews of U.S.S. Saratoga and U.S.S. Mississippi, 1930 (H, 1image). U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who were commended or whodied during World War I, reserve officers, and officers of U.S.S.Arethusa, 1915-19 (CD, RP, RPA; 4,096 images). Aircraft NC-2 andcrew following transatlantic flight, 1919 (GC, 5 images). Navytraining camps and schools, ca. 1916-20 (PAN, TC; 579 images).Spanish naval vessels and damage to ships during the Spanish-American War, 1895-98 (FS, 64 images).

Lantern Slides (78 images): Humorous views of navy life used bythe Navy Recruiting Bureau, New York City, 1925 (RS).

Color Slides: ca. 1860-ca. 1985 Navy recruiting posters, 1985 (NP, 47 images).

Posters (167 images): Recruiting for service in the U.S. CoastGuard, WAVES, Seabees, and other navy units and programs, 1917-87 (bulk 1941-45, 1970-87)(DP, PO).

SEE Photographs UNDER 24.3.1 and 24.6.1.


Navy Military Personnel Command officers master file, FY 1990 (1 data set); officer history file, FY 1991-92 (2 data sets); and officer attrition file, ca. 1977-92 (2 data sets).

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

The Secretary of State is the chief election officer for the State of Texas. Section 31.004(a) of the Texas Election Code (the 'Code') provides that, 'The Secretary of State shall assist and advise all election authorities with regard to the application, operation, and interpretation of this code and of the election laws outside of this code.' The Secretary of State will occasionally issue advice in the form of an official election law opinion. Generally, election law opinions are reserved for interpretations of election law that will have a significant impact on the election process. As a result of this provision and similar language contained in sections 31.001 and 31.003 of the Code, the Secretary of State responds to election-related requests from officials charged with election-related responsibilities. Individuals with duties of this nature include (but are not limited to):

Election Administrators; County Clerks; Voter Registrars; City Secretaries; Early Voting Clerks; City Councils; Mayors; School Boards; County Commissioners; and County Judges*.

The Elections Division invites these and any other officials, who deal with election law and policy, to contact our office for assistance with respect to the application and interpretation of the State's election laws.

The below Election Law Opinions were issued by the Elections Division from 1982 through present in answer to questions regarding election law matters.

*Please note that while election law opinions are generally in response to requests from election officials, the Secretary of State will in some instances issue an opinion on a matter of particular election importance whether the requestor is an election official or a member of the general public.

Secretary of State

Election Law Opinion



RP-12018Voter-Initiated Voter Registration Challenges on Residency
John Steen
JS-12013Process for Addressing Identical Joint Resolutions
GSC-12004On matters relating to residency
Gwyn Shea
GS-12002Accepting donations for temporary branch polling locations
HC-12001'Instant runoff,' 'alternative voting,' or 'preferential voting.'
Alberto R. Gonzales
(Dec 1997 - Jan 1999)
ARG-11998Cancellation of elections with single-member districts.
AOG-21997Construction of Act of May 31, 1997, 75th Leg., R.S., H.B. 298, § 8(a)-(b)
AOG-11996Various questions regarding cancellation of elections.
John Hannah Jr.
(Jan 1991 - March 1994)
JH-41993Application of the Texas Election Code to article 5154c-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes
JH-31992Application of the Texas Election Code to article IV, section 6, of the Charter of the City of Austin.
JH-21991Whether a watcher may use a tape recorder or audiovisual camera to record information at a central counting station, and whether a counting station manager has authority to control the manner and method of poll watching.
JH-11991Whether cities may require write-in candidates to file declarations of write-in candidacy
GSB-51990Whether Section 51.079 of the Texas Local Government authorizes the holding of a non-binding referendum election if the city charter does not provide for such an election.
GSB-4Whether, by virtue of consolidation of elections held pursuant to Chapter 61 of the Texas Local Government Code, the entire City of Fair Oaks Ranch is included in the VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority.
GSB-31990Whether a political party's executive committee may make a nomination for an office appearing on the general election ballot if no one filed for the office in party's primary
GSB-21990Whether the City of Wylie legally held elections to increase its sales and use tax rate by ½% for the reduction of the property tax rate and to increase its sales and use tax rate by an additional ½% for dedication to local economic and industrial development.
GSB-11990Whether a public school may charge for expenses that are incurred from the use of the building as a polling place prior to and after normal business hours.
Jack M. Rains
(Jan 1987 - June 1989)
JMR-11987Local option election to legalize pari-mutuel wagering.
MAM-21984Whether the working hours of an election clerk nominated by a political party may be limited, and whether a poll watcher may use a hand-held tape recorder in the polling place.
MAM-11984When may an election be held to fill a vacancy in the office of council-person in a home rule city in which council-persons have terms of more than two years.
John W. Fainter Jr.
(Jan 1983 -July 1984)
JWF-361984Whether a Water Control and Improvement District directors election held on a date other than that prescribed by statute is void; and, if so, whether a subsequent directors election held on the authorized date but at which no votes were cast resulted in the creation of vacancies in the directors' offices; and, if so, whether the originally appointed temporary directors may call a special election for August 11, 1984, to fill those vacancies, even though the temporary directors did not order an election within fifteen days of the creation of the vacancies.
JWF-321984Authority of a county to charge political parties for certain electronic voting equipment and services provided to political parties for use in party primary elections.
JWF-311984Regarding the determination of a majority of votes cast in an election.
JWF-281984Programming expenses for electronic tabulating equipment used in primary elections.
JWF-271984Absentee voting by a convicted felon whose conviction is pending appeal.
JWF-241984Disclosure for public inspection of voter registration files which contain a registrants' social security and telephone numbers.
JWF-231984Filling a vacancy in the office of county Chairman when there is no country executive Secretary.
JWF-201983House Bill 718, 68th Legislature (1983)
JWF-191983Authority of Dallas County to charge political parties for certain punch-card system related equipment and services to be provided by the county for use in party primaries.
JWF-181983Effective date of precinct boundary changes made by commissioners court and correction of voter registration records pursuant to such changes.
JWF-171983Form of the ballot in city charter elections.
JWF-161983Payments to precinct chairmen for attending meetings of the county executive committee.
JWF-151983Whether voter registration certificate should be sent to applicant's residence address or mailing address.
JWF-141983Place of filing Chapter 14 reports disclosing activity in a regional transportation authority confirmation election under Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann., art. 1118y.
JWF-131983Microfilming of voter registration applications and therefore destroying the original applications.
JWF-121983Interpretation of Tex. Elec. Code Ann, arts. 5.18a, subd. 2, 6.19a, § 2.
JWF-111983Authority of voter registrar to remove a registered voter's name from the voter registration rolls upon the voter's request.
JWF-101983Determining the validity of a petition calling for an election to reduce the tax rate of a taxing unit.
JWF-91983Magnetic tapes of voted punch card ballots
JWF-81983Filling a vacancy on the board of directors of a drainage district that elects its officers.
JWF-71983Use of funds received from the State Comptroller for new and cancelled voter registrations.
JWF-51983Whether a write-in candidate in an independent school district trustee election must file a declaration of write-in candidacy prior to the election.
JWF-41983Straight party voting with a mark-sense voting system.
JWF-21983Validity of a drawing for ballot position before the deadline for filing for a place on the ballot and requirements for an application for a place on the ballot in a municipal election.
JWF-11983An independent candidate's application for a place on the ballot in a home rule city.
DAD-731983Texas Election Code procedure(s) to follow when a voter's registration is challenged.
DAD-691983Designation of party affiliation in Special Election for U.S. House of Representatives.
DAD-661982Whether a local option liquor election may be held in the territory of a former justice precinct that has been consolidated into a larger justice precinct.
DAD-651982Whether a person who votes in the runoff primary election of one political party is ineligible to be the nominee of a different political party at the succeeding general election
DAD-631982Whether an election judge appointed by the Commissioners court must select at least one clerk from each list submitted by the county chairmen of the major political parties.
DAD-621982Filling vacancy in office and vacancy in nomination for the Office of State Senator.
DAD-601982Whether the branch offices established to conduct absentee voting may be designated to serve election precincts.
DAD-591982Concerning the interpretation of V.A.T.S. Election Code, art. 5.18d which governs change of name.
DAD-581982Local option status under the Bingo Enabling Act.
DAD-571982Selection of members of the State Executive Committee.
DAD-561982Whether variations in the manner of writing in a candidate's name or a misspelling of either a given or surname determines whether a write-in vote is counted.
DAD-551982Whether a municipality may combine county precincts for city elections.
DAD-531982Whether a minor party candidate whose nomination is certified after the deadline may have his name printed on the ballot for the November general election.
DAD-521982The permissibility and reportability of mailing voter registration applications to new residents of a legislative district.
DAD-511982Whether an ineligible candidate who ran in the general primary election and won may withdraw as the party's elected nominee and subsequently be appointed as the party's nominee if he meets all the eligibility requirements for candidates at the time of appointment.
DAD-501982Posting paper absentee ballots voted by mail on voting machines used for voting absentee in person.
DAD-491982Sufficiency of recitals in the application of a nonpartisan or independent candidate for a place on the general election ballot.
DAD-481982Delivery of sealed ballot container to the central counting station.
DAD-471982Whether affidavits of residency may be required of voters in Rural Fire Prevention District election and whether real property ownership requirements to vote in said election is constitutional.
DAD-461982Whether an individual who was ineligible to be a candidate by the filing deadline could nonetheless be eligible to run in the general primary if the factor causing his ineligibility is removed before the general primary.
DAD-441982Qualifications for running as an independent or party nominee at a general election to fill a vacancy.
DAD-431982When must a state convention delegate meet a political party's membership requirements.
DAD-421982Whether U.S. Justice Department preclearance on proposal to vote outside precinct boundaries preempts Texas Election Code.
DAD-411982County-wide bingo election and county-wide bond election being held jointly.
DAD-401982Whether a defeated primary candidate may file as a write-in candidate at the November General Election, and, if so, will the write-in candidate's name appear on the General Election ballot.
DAD-391982Who bears costs of counting and canvassing absentee ballots in primary election.
DAD-381982Whether a person on the list of returned voter registration certificates is a qualified voter for the purposes of signing a petition to have the names of new or minor party candidates printed on the general election ballot
DAD-361982Lost or destroyed copies of petition seeking a local option liquor election.
DAD-351982Construction of laws governing state district judge appointed to fill vacancy on Supreme Court, that individual's ability to remain on general election ballot as a candidate for state district judgeship and if elected when may that individual assume the duties of state district judge.
DAD-341982Impact of Fashing decision.
DAD-321982Term of initially appointed Election Administrator and grounds for his removal.
DAD-311982Authority of a Political Party Convention Credentials Committee.
DAD-301982Holding a referendum election on an unauthorized date.
DAD-281982Length of term for individual appointed by Governor to newly-created district court.
DAD-271982Construction of prohibition on voting by voting by 'idiots and lunatics,' as those terms as used in Article VI, § 1, Texas Constitution
DAD-261982Vacancy appointment and legality of a declared write-in candidacy, for the office of constable (unexpired term).
DAD-251982Whether a county chairman who is elected in the first primary takes office immediately or after the date of the runoff primary.
DAD-241982Political party's use of county facilities on the primary election day.
DAD-231982When may an election to fill a vacancy pursuant to Article 11, § 11 of the Texas Constitution be held when the constitutional deadline has passed
DAD-221982Constitutionality of Article 15.16a, Texas Election Code.
DAD-211982Responsibility of Secretary of State to render advisory opinions concerning Chapter 14 investigations, litigation, or prosecutions.
DAD-201982Persons eligible to sign independent candidate's application for a place on the ballot.
DAD-191982Whether Marshall Martin is eligible to be a candidate for State Senate, District 15.
DAD-161982Legality of Using Rural Route or Post Office Address, Rather Than Residence Address, on Petition Submitted Under Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.
DAD-151982Information that may be placed on petition forms for independent candidates.
DAD-111982Filing fee paid with a check that was returned and marked 'not sufficient funds.'
DAD-51982Six Month Candidate Residency Requirement for Inhabitants of Newly-Annexed Municipal Territory.
DAD-21981Designation by place on ballot and method of filling certain judicial offices.
DAD-11981Ballot status of the Libertarian Party of Texas for the 1982 general election.