Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance. HTML Links - The target Attribute. By default, the linked page will be displayed in the current browser window. To change this, you must specify another target for the link. The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. The target attribute can have one of the following values: self - Default. Opens the document in the same. Amadeus e-Travel Management allows you to plan, book and purchase air, rail and hotel trips following your corporation’s policies. The app needs an Assignment Tag to work, which links the app to your existing e-Travel Management profile.
- Links The Kodá Ly Aspiring Music Classroom Nyc Doe
- Links The Kodá Ly Aspiring Music Classroom Activities
- Links The Kodá Ly Aspiring Music Classroom Guide
- Links The Kodá Ly Aspiring Music Classroom Lesson
, Bir veya daha fazla hedefi olan bir veya daha fazla farklı türdeki girişlerin belirtilen sayısını toplu olarak hedefleyen bir veri akışı bloğu sağlar.Provides a dataflow block that batches a specified number of inputs of potentially differing types provided to one or more of its targets.
Tür Parametreleri
- T1
Bloğun ilk hedefi tarafından kabul edilen verilerin türünü belirtir.Specifies the type of data accepted by the block's first target.
- T2
Bloğun ikinci hedefi tarafından kabul edilen verilerin türünü belirtir.Specifies the type of data accepted by the block's second target.
- T3
Bloğun üçüncü hedefi tarafından kabul edilen verilerin türünü belirtir.Specifies the type of data accepted by the block's third target.
TPL veri akışı kitaplığı ( System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow ad alanı) .NET ile dağıtılmaz.The TPL Dataflow Library (the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow namespace) is not distributed with .NET.System.Threading.Tasks.DataflowVisual Studio 'da ad alanını yüklemek için projenizi açın, Proje menüsünden NuGet Paketlerini Yönet ' i seçin ve paketi çevrimiçi olarak arayın System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
.To install the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow namespace in Visual Studio, open your project, choose Manage NuGet Packages from the Project menu, and search online for the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
package.Alternatif olarak, .NET Core CLIkullanarak yüklemek için öğesini çalıştırın dotnet add package System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
.Alternatively, to install it using the .NET Core CLI, run dotnet add package System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3>(Int32) | Belirtilen yapılandırmayla yeni bir başlatır BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3> .Initializes a new BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3> with the specified configuration. |
BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3>(Int32, GroupingDataflowBlockOptions) | Belirtilen yapılandırmayla yeni bir başlatır BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3> .Initializes a new BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3> with the specified configuration. |
BatchSize | Bu tarafından oluşturulan toplu işlerin boyutunu alır BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3> .Gets the size of the batches generated by this BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3>. |
Completion | TaskVeri akışı bloğunun zaman uyumsuz işlemini ve tamamlandığını temsil eden bir alır.Gets a Task that represents the asynchronous operation and completion of the dataflow block. |
OutputCount | Bu bloktan alınabilecek çıkış öğesi sayısını alır.Gets the number of output items available to be received from this block. |
Target1 | İlk türdeki iletileri sunmak için kullanılabilecek bir hedef alır.Gets a target that may be used to offer messages of the first type. |
Target2 | İkinci türdeki iletileri sunmak için kullanılabilecek bir hedef alır.Gets a target that may be used to offer messages of the second type. |
Target3 | Üçüncü türdeki iletileri sunmak için kullanılabilecek bir hedef alır.Gets a target that may be used to offer messages of the third type. |
Complete() | IDataflowBlockKabul etmemelidir veya daha fazla mesaj üretmemelidir veya daha fazla ertelenen ileti tüketir.Signals to the IDataflowBlock that it should not accept nor produce any more messages nor consume any more postponed messages. |
Equals(Object) | Belirtilen nesnenin geçerli nesneye eşit olup olmadığını belirler.Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Devralındığı yer: Object) |
GetHashCode() | Varsayılan karma işlevi olarak işlev görür.Serves as the default hash function. (Devralındığı yer: Object) |
GetType() | TypeGeçerli örneği alır.Gets the Type of the current instance. (Devralındığı yer: Object) |
LinkTo(ITargetBlock<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>, DataflowLinkOptions) | Öğesini ISourceBlock<TOutput> belirtilen öğesine bağlar ITargetBlock<TInput> .Links the ISourceBlock<TOutput> to the specified ITargetBlock<TInput> . |
MemberwiseClone() | Geçerli bir basit kopyasını oluşturur Object .Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Devralındığı yer: Object) |
ToString() | Bu örneğin biçimlendirilen adını temsil eden bir dize döndürür IDataflowBlock .Returns a string that represents the formatted name of this IDataflowBlock instance. |
TryReceive(Predicate<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>, Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>) | ' Dan bir kullanılabilir çıkış öğesini zaman uyumlu olarak almaya çalışır IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput> .Attempts to synchronously receive an available output item from the IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput>. |
TryReceiveAll(IList<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>) | Tüm kullanılabilir öğeleri içinden eşzamanlı olarak almaya çalışır IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput> .Attempts to synchronously receive all available items from the IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput>. |
Belirtik Arabirim Kullanımları
IDataflowBlock.Fault(Exception) | IDataflowBlockDurumunun bir durumda tamamlanmasını sağlar Faulted .Causes the IDataflowBlock to complete in a Faulted state. |
ISourceBlock<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>.ConsumeMessage(DataflowMessageHeader, ITargetBlock<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>, Boolean) | Tarafından tanımlanan iletinin sahipliğini DataflowMessageHeader Bu ISourceBlock<TOutput> örnekten öğesine geçirir ITargetBlock<TInput> .Passes the ownership of the message identified by the DataflowMessageHeader from this ISourceBlock<TOutput> instance to the ITargetBlock<TInput>. |
ISourceBlock<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>.ReleaseReservation(DataflowMessageHeader, ITargetBlock<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>) | Tarafından tanımlanan iletinin sahipliğini ile arasında geçirme hakkını yayınlar DataflowMessageHeaderISourceBlock<TOutput>ITargetBlock<TInput> .Releases the right to pass the ownership of the message identified by the DataflowMessageHeader from this ISourceBlock<TOutput> to the ITargetBlock<TInput>. |
ISourceBlock<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>.ReserveMessage(DataflowMessageHeader, ITargetBlock<Tuple<IList<T1>,IList<T2>,IList<T3>>>) | Öğesinden tarafından tanımlanan iletinin sahipliğini öğesine geçirme hakkını saklı tutar DataflowMessageHeaderISourceBlock<TOutput>ITargetBlock<TInput> .Reserves the right to pass the ownership of the message identified by the DataflowMessageHeader from this ISourceBlock<TOutput> to the ITargetBlock<TInput>. |
Uzantı Metotları
AsObservable<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>) | Üzerinde yeni bir IObservable<T> soyutlama oluşturur ISourceBlock<TOutput> .Creates a new IObservable<T> abstraction over the ISourceBlock<TOutput>. |
LinkTo<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, ITargetBlock<TOutput>) | Öğesini ISourceBlock<TOutput> belirtilen öğesine bağlar ITargetBlock<TInput> .Links the ISourceBlock<TOutput> to the specified ITargetBlock<TInput>. |
LinkTo<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, ITargetBlock<TOutput>, Predicate<TOutput>) | Belirtilen ISourceBlock<TOutput> filtreyi kullanarak belirtilen öğesine bağlantı sağlar ITargetBlock<TInput> .Links the ISourceBlock<TOutput> to the specified ITargetBlock<TInput> using the specified filter. |
LinkTo<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, ITargetBlock<TOutput>, DataflowLinkOptions, Predicate<TOutput>) | Belirtilen ISourceBlock<TOutput> filtreyi kullanarak belirtilen öğesine bağlantı sağlar ITargetBlock<TInput> .Links the ISourceBlock<TOutput> to the specified ITargetBlock<TInput> using the specified filter. |
OutputAvailableAsync<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>) | , Task<TResult> Kullanılabilir çıktının kaynağını zaman uyumsuz olarak izleyen bir sağlar.Provides a Task<TResult> that asynchronously monitors the source for available output. |
OutputAvailableAsync<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, CancellationToken) | , Task<TResult> Kullanılabilir çıktının kaynağını zaman uyumsuz olarak izleyen bir sağlar.Provides a Task<TResult> that asynchronously monitors the source for available output. |
Receive<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>) | Zaman uyumlu olarak belirtilen kaynaktan bir değer alır.Synchronously receives a value from a specified source. |
Receive<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, CancellationToken) | Zaman uyumlu olarak belirtilen kaynaktan bir değer alır ve işlemi iptal etmek için bir belirteç sağlar.Synchronously receives a value from a specified source and provides a token to cancel the operation. |
Receive<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, TimeSpan) | Zaman uyumlu olarak belirtilen kaynaktan bir değer alır ve isteğe bağlı bir zaman aşımı süresi gözlemleyerek.Synchronously receives a value from a specified source, observing an optional time-out period. |
Receive<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, TimeSpan, CancellationToken) | Zaman uyumlu olarak belirtilen kaynaktan bir değer alır, işlemi iptal etmek ve isteğe bağlı bir zaman aşımı aralığını gözlemlemek için bir belirteç sağlar.Synchronously receives a value from a specified source, providing a token to cancel the operation and observing an optional time-out interval. |
ReceiveAsync<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>) | Zaman uyumsuz olarak belirtilen kaynaktan bir değer alır.Asynchronously receives a value from a specified source. |
ReceiveAsync<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, CancellationToken) | Zaman uyumsuz olarak belirtilen kaynaktan bir değer alır ve işlemi iptal etmek için bir belirteç sağlar.Asynchronously receives a value from a specified source and provides a token to cancel the operation. |
ReceiveAsync<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, TimeSpan) | Zaman uyumsuz olarak belirtilen kaynaktan bir değer alır ve isteğe bağlı bir zaman aşımı süresi gözlemleyerek.Asynchronously receives a value from a specified source, observing an optional time-out period. |
ReceiveAsync<TOutput>(ISourceBlock<TOutput>, TimeSpan, CancellationToken) | Zaman uyumsuz olarak belirtilen kaynaktan bir değer alır ve işlemi iptal etmek ve isteğe bağlı bir zaman aşımı aralığı gözlemlemek için bir belirteç sağlar.Asynchronously receives a value from a specified source, providing a token to cancel the operation and observing an optional time-out interval. |
TryReceive<TOutput>(IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput>, TOutput) | ' Dan zaman uyumlu olarak bir öğe almaya çalışır ISourceBlock<TOutput> .Attempts to synchronously receive an item from the ISourceBlock<TOutput>. |
Şunlara uygulanır
Since we know that KODI is a media player which is capable of streaming media content from both offline and online location. In order to stream content from online, you need the help of some additional programs called add-ons. There are two types of kodi addons. One is the official add-ons and the other is 3rd party add-ons. Add-ons are script files for screaming remote contents. And to install them to kodi, you need the help of kodi repositories. In other words, to install these add-ons we first need to install the kodi repositories. These kodi repos will contain the dependencies files required for the proper functioning of add-ons. In this article, we will explain what is kodi repository and a list of best Kodi repositories.
Contents5.1 Super Repo 5.2 TV Addons Repository a.k.a Fusion Repo 5.3 Kodil Repository 5.4 Supremacy Repository 5.5 Brettus Repository 5.6 Bookmark Repository 5.7 Magicality Repository 5.8 AJ Repository 5.9 Stream hub repo 5.10 Sarcasm Repository
6.1 Blamo Repository 6.2 Smash repository 6.3 colossus repo 6.4 Ares repo 6.5 Noobs and Nerds Repo 6.6 Mucky duck repo 6.7 Dandy media repo
What are the kodi repositories?
Kodi Repositories act as a space to store common files and they are accessed by add-ons. For the proper functioning of add-ons, a lot of files are required. These support files are called dependencies. Some of the most used dependencies are scrapper and URL Resolver. When developing an addon, the developers use call by function method to call these dependencies files into action. Since some of these files have copyright protection, the developers can only use them. they can modify or change stuff. These files are available in the repository. And when calling for a certain function, the corresponding function will respond from the repository.
Some developers may have their own kodi repositories while some may not. Since most of these files are open source, some developers are skilled enough to change the base code and host it in their own repository. One such repository is Blamo Repository. He is the co-developer of URL Resolver and Exodus.
Some add-ons are standalone add-ons, which means it doesn’t use call by function method. Instead, it includes all the files in its script. By doing so the size of the addon is increased and performance is reduced on a minuscule. You can also install standalone add-ons, but some of the add-ons are developed as a hobby by the developer and you can expect the support for the prolonged time. So it’s not advisable to install standalone add-ons unless there is no other alternative.
Instead, install the repository and then install the add-ons from the repository. In doing so you don’t need to update each and every add-ons. Most of the kodi repositories are auto-updateable. Which in turn automatically updates the add-ons. A single repository can be shared by many add-ons. Since the dependencies files shared by add-ons are same. And a single addon can be found in many repositories.
🚨 Attention Kodi Users: Read this before you proceed! 🚨
Your ISP and Government is tracking all your online activities every day. Streaming movies, Live TV, Sports, and other media is illegal and can create some serious trouble. So it’s always your responsibility to stay anonymous from their radar. Using a VPN will mask your online identity and keep you anonymous online. Your ISP can’t track your activities when connected to VPN. So quickly sign up for the best Kodi VPN now.
Kodi Repositories vs Kodi Builds
Kodi Repositories and kodi builds are two whole new concepts, In order to install addons, we need some basic dependencies files. These files are available in the repository. And we can proceed to addon installation after installing the kodi repositories. By doing so we can prevent lots of future errors such as dependency error, etc. And a lot of addons can share the same kodi repositories. So repository is like one-time installation work. On the other hand, there are stand-alone addons, which don’t require repository installation.
Kodi Builds are like modded kodi software. since kodi is an open-source program its source code is available on the internet. Developers are free to modify the source code. Such modified program is called kodi builds. Though they have the same framework, They got some amazing interface and features. The repositories and addons are integrated into kodi builds. You don’t have to install each and every addon. Most of the best addons are inbuild. With a single click, you can update your default kodi to any of the working builds.
How to install kodi Repositories
There are two methods available to install a repository.
- Install from a Zip file.
- Install by using the path of the repository.
In install from zip file method, we will download the required files on our local hardware. And during installation, we will redirect to the installer stored location. Whereas in another method we will directly enter the path in the installer and during installation, the installer will download the required files.
Best kodi repo URL

7Magicality Repository
8AJ Repository hub repo Repository
Want to install all the above repository in a single click?
Are you as lazy as me? Then there is a special repository for you, Lazy Repository. As the name suggests, this repo is specially designed for lazy people i.e a person who finds the easiest way to do something. It really a boring task to add the external repository source to your kodi each and every time when you are adding a new repo. This suffering ends here! As we know, the repository is a place where certain files are hosted. But lazy Repo doesn’t host any file. Instead, they host the links to other repositories. So it acts as a portal to access other repositories. Totally it has 54 repositories link, Which means you can install all those files from Lazy Repository URL. It saves lots of time. To access the lazy Repo, you can use the below URL.
10 Best Kodi repositories List
Super Repo
The Superrepo is one of the best kodi repositories which has lots of sub-repository due to its vast collections of diverse add-ons. It is the host for most of the evergreen addons. Super repo is the most reliable repository. Super repos have 1700+ addons. In that 1000+ addons are video addons. And it is the largest of all repository. Due to the large size of the repository, they have even provided part installation of the repository. Which means you can install the required part alone. If you are looking for video addons, then you can select the version of kodi you are using followed by the section you want to install.

Famous Addons In SuperRepo Kodi Repository
TV Addons Repository a.k.a Fusion Repo
TV Addons repo is back with the bang! with much-improved feature and with lots of new addons. Due to the copyright infringement, TV addons repo recently faced some issues. And once the charges are cleared, TV addons is back. It has some of the coolest features ever like GitHub Browser. Since GitHub is the host to a lot of third-party addons, GitHub browser enables you to search for the addons by the developer username and let you install it. This method is similar to the zip file installation method. TV Addons is one of the three founding fathers of URL Resolver. The quality of the addons available in this repository is awesome!
Famous addon in TV addon repository
Kodil Repository
After the shutdown of Ares Repository, kodil repository took its place. During the shutdown, ares repo has more than one million active users. After the shutdown, the user base got split and most of them opted for the kodil repository. Kodil repository has the contents of ares repo, and they are still working to this day. After this incident, a lot of developers begun to host their addons on the kodil repo. And soon it acquired a place in the top repository list. It has 400 video addons and 80+ program addons. And hundreds of other addons like music add-ons, picture add-ons and a few more.
Famous addon in Kodil Repository
Links The Kodá Ly Aspiring Music Classroom Nyc Doe
Supremacy Repository
Are you a sports freak? And mostly using kodi to watch the live sports and updates? Then this is the special repository for sports lovers. Supremacy repository is dedicated to sports add-ons. It is the host for the best sports add-ons like sports devil, Supremacy Sports, Planet MMA, and Elektra Vault. With these add-ons you can stream most of the live sports event, replays, and high lights. It also has a few all in one addon like Magic Dragon. It has lots of entertainment addon.
Famous addons in Supremacy Repo
Brettus Repository
Are you still a child by heart? Loves to watch anime and cartoon? Looking for some of the best documentaries addon? Then this Brettus Repository will serve your need. Brettus repo is known for its vast variety of contents.
Famous addons in Brettus Repo
Bookmark Repository
It is one of the recently released repositories. It has some amazing add-ons mainly focusing on IPTV services. If you are looking for the best IPTV add-ons, then we recommend you to try selfless addon from this repository. It is one of the very few addons which provides, all the streaming services in a single place. It also has other streaming addons like MAD Streams, Live Stream PRO, Sports 365 and a few more program addons. Since all these addons fetch the links from the same sources most of them are working fine.
Famous addons in Bookmark Repository
- Selfless
- Mobdro
Magicality Repository
Due to the recent shutdown of Blamo Repo, the users are puzzled about the alternate repository. Magicality is the best replacement for Blamo Repository. We can even say is a clone of Blamo Repo. The Neptune Rising and placenta had found its new home under magicality repo. To be on safer side, this repo has a forded version of Neptune Rising kodi addon. Though the Blamo repo is down, the addons are still active and working good. It also has a special addon for dubbed anime series and drama. Make sure to check out this repository.
Famous addons in Magicality Repository
- Exodus
- Neptune rising
- Placenta
AJ Repository
AJ Repository is full of all-in-one addons. This repository is known for its movies, TV shows, Live TV and sports contents. And the best part is, this repo has integrated addons. Similar to lazy repo concept. You can access all the contents of the addons available in this repo with a single portal addon. In other words, with a single addon, you can fetch the content of the entire repository. check out the below article to know more about the AJ Repository.
Famous addons in AJ Repository
- Falcon Ultra TV
- Champion Sports
- Eyasses
- Cryptic
Stream hub repo
Stream hub repo is yet another repo for entertainment which can stream movies, tv shows, etc. But one of the unique features of this repo is they can stream the same content in various quality such as 4K, HD(1080p), 720p, 360p. In doing so its help the Kodi user who has limited bandwidth.
Famous addons in Stream hub repository
- Fixanity
- StreamHub Live
- URLResolver
- StreamHub Scrapers
Sarcasm Repository
This repo could make to the top of the list easily due to its features. Since its a new repo, we are listing it here. If you are a movie freak you would fell for this repository. This repo is specially dedicated for movies. You can stream all genre of movies. It also includes a special addon for streaming Hollywood, Bollywood and Kollywood movies. It even has some of the best of Chinese, Japnese and thai movies. To know more about this repo, refer to the guide below.
Famous addons in Sarcasm Repository
- Vex Movies
- Sharemovies
- YD movies
Not working Repositories
Unfortunately, some repo is going down recently. It has been around a few months since the recent copyright infringement and lots of good repos and addons are shutting down. Even though the repo is down, sometimes zip file installation seems to work well. This trick works with only a few repos. And As we all know repository is mainly used to hold dependency files, if an addon can find the dependencies from other repo, then it would work fine.
NOTE: “Don’t Uninstall the not working addons“
By uninstalling the addon related to not working repo, you are permanently deleting the addon. Since there is no repo, you can install the addon and the dependencies link will be broken. I know you are concerned about
Blamo Repository
Have you ever thought of having all the best addons under single repo? If so, then balmo Repo will be your most favorite repo. Blamo repo is created by Mr.Blamo, creator of exodus and co-founder of URL Resolver. Blamo repo has some of the most reliable addons like Exodus, Neptune Rising, Sports Devil, Placenta, Mobdro, and lots more. Totally It has 25 video addons, 11 program addons, and a few other addons. And the best part is, most of the addons are working great. We personally recommend you to try Neptune Rising, one of the best Video addons for movies and TV shows. The below guide holds the detailed information on how to install Blamo Repository.
Smash repository
colossus repo
Ares repo
Noobs and Nerds Repo
Mucky duck repo
It’s one of the upcoming repo among Kodi users because of its entertainment content. Other than entertainment content it also provides lot other such as tv shows, movies, live stream shows, etc. Most famous mucky duck add-ons are 123Movies, duckpool, FUBAR, etc…
Dandy media repo
Dandy media is an upcoming repo. The media content in this repo is good. It provides movies and tv shows. This is yet another repo which provides entertainment in each and every stream. This is one of the few add-ons exclusively for entertainment.
Links The Kodá Ly Aspiring Music Classroom Activities
What happens if your Kodi has Dead Repositories?
How to avoid the Dead repository security risk on Kodi?
Links The Kodá Ly Aspiring Music Classroom Guide
Links The Kodá Ly Aspiring Music Classroom Lesson
Guess, we have provided all the necessary info and the top best Kodi repositories for you. Get the best one based on your wish for your device and start streaming your favourite contents. Good Luck!
Note: In the world of Kodi some streams are illegal. So the URL of kodi repositories are being changed frequently. Follow our website regularly to get all the latest updates related to kodi repositories.