Lutheran Bible Studiesonline Lutheran Bible Study

During the fall and winter months when our population increases, we offer many Bible study opportunities. Sunday Bible Study FOR ALL After the 8:00 a.m. Worship service with Pastor Tom & Pastor Ken around 9:30 a.m. Coffee and fellowship before the class. Studying “Fire on the Mountain” by Ray Vander Laan. Sunday Bible Study. Holy Baptism: My Adoption into God's Family (December 2017 - January 2018) This class offers a thorough review of Baptism, one of the greatest gifts God has given us. Through a study of the pertinent passages we will learn what the Bible says about this life-giving Sacrament.

The biblical definition of a “prophet” is “one who speaks for God.” This includes the patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, along with figures like Miriam and Moses. But, in this study we will focus specifically on the prophets who spoke for God in the time of the kings of Judah and Israel. Read Lutheran Study Bible notes Open NRSV in one window and Lutheran Study Bible in another to display notes for the passage you’re reading. Explore Lutheran Study Bible maps Tap and hold on a place name in the Bible text. Choose More from the pop-up menu, then tap on Look up. To see any available maps.

Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources


God's Word provides the light we need (Psalm 119:105). Our free downloadable online Bible study videos are written by pastors and other professionals. Each study has a discussion guide expanding the video footage with supporting Scripture, commentary, questions, and other features to maximize the topic.

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Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness - Session 3: Possibilities of Forgiveness
By: Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies


Session three notes that while God's pardon is unconditional, ours is often loaded with stipulations or given sparingly. Forgiveness is considered in respect to the treachery of Joseph's brothers, the sins of the prodigal son, and those who mistreated Paul.

Lutheran Study Bible Online

Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness - Session 2: Conditions of Forgiveness
By: Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies

This second session looks at the tie between our sins and God's mercy. We'll consider the effect of David's sin on his life and faith, what Jesus says about forgiving others, and how God's forgiveness transformed the lives of Peter and Paul.

Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness - Session 1: Practicing Forgiveness
By: Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies

Lutheran Bible Study Lessons

This first study on forgiveness begins with man's sin dilemma, its dire consequences, and God's merciful solution to our problem. As we have been forgiven through Jesus, so are we to forgive others.

Utilizing Barna Group data, Lutheran Hour Ministries has produced Households of Faith, a four-session video study to help households apply three core habits that foster a spiritually vibrant household. These are 1) applying spiritual disciplines; 2) extending hospitality; and 3) engaging in spiritual conversations.

Called - A Nurturing Your Faith Study (Complete with all 4 sessions)
By: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler

(Includes subtitles in English)Nurturing Your Faith: Called is a four-session Bible study based on Ephesians. Individual sessions look at how we are called by God, called to faith, called to service, and called to share. Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Dr. Mike Zeigler gives a video introduction to all four sessions. Reflection questions are included.

The Eager Conversationalist/Spiritual Conversation Curve Workshops
By: Jason Broge and Don Everts

Drawing on Barna Group data contained in the 2018 monograph Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age, Lutheran Hour Ministries is offering two workshops: the first, Eager Conversationalists, examines spiritual conversations. It offers insights to help us become more intentional-more eager-to engage in spiritual conversations with others. The second, The Spiritual Conversation Curve, offers help in getting past conversational hurdles. This is possible when we focus on someone's 'spiritual posture,' so as not to impose a conversation that's forced or ill-timed.

Prayer - A Nurturing Your Faith Study
By: Don Everts

(Includes subtitles in English) The Bible study Nurturing Your Faith: Prayer is a four-session series exploring the role of different types of prayer in the believer's life. Prayers of intercession, gratitude, confession, and praise are considered in various scriptural settings by highlighting a particular prayer's context, who offered it, and why. An opening video featuring Rev. Don Everts prefaces each session and gives context to what follows.

(Includes subtitles in English) From Luther's 95 Theses in 1517 to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, God was at work in the Reformation. Fierce debates over Scripture, church doctrine, and late medieval church practice led to theological positions articulating salvation as God's grace in action, with man being left to add nothing to his own salvation. In A Man Named Martin - Part 3: The Movement, viewers will see how the Reformation transformed European society and, eventually, left a profound impression around the globe.

Lutheran Bible Studies Online Lutheran Bible Study

Due to the nature of the program and its future broadcast use, we are not able to allow free downloads for 'This is the Life' like we do for our other products.
Here's TV from television's 'Golden Age.' Check out these nine episodes of This is the Life. Watch stars like Jack Nicholson, Leonard Nimoy, Angie Dickinson, and Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs cut their teeth on their craft-long before they hit the 'big time.'

Lutheran Bible Studies

(Includes subtitles in English)A Man Named Martin-Part 2: The Moment examines the errant teachings and wayward traditions of the Late Medieval Church that eventually sparked the Protestant Reformation, a theological overhaul set in motion most notably by Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenberg.

Lutheran Bible Studies Online

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