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  • Don’t be filled with doubt any longer, but by faith turn to Jesus Christ and commit your life to Him. His promise about Heaven is for you: “I am going there to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). How do you know if you’ll go to Heaven?
  • Learn More About why Randy Alcorn wrote his book, Heaven Randy Alcorn is the author of more than 40 books and the founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM). He served as a pastor for fourteen years, holding degrees in theology and biblical studies, and has taught on the adjunct faculties of Multnomah University and Western Seminary in.

The term “heaven” also refers to the spiritual heavens, or spirit realm, a level of existence higher than and outside of the physical universe. ( 1 Kings 8: 27; John 6: 38 ) These spiritual heavens are occupied by Jehovah God, who is “a Spirit,” as well as by the angelic spirit beings whom he created.


hev'-'nz (shamayim; ouranoi): On the physical heavens see ASTRONOMY; WORLD. Above these, in popular conception, were the celestial heavens, the abode of God and of the hosts of angels (Psalm 11:4; Psalm 103:19-21Isaiah 66:1Revelation 4:2; Revelation 5:11; compare Daniel 7:10), though it was recognized that Yahweh's presence was not confined to any region (1 Kings 8:27). Later Judaism reckoned seven heavens. The apostle Paul speaks of himself as caught up into 'the third heaven,' which he evidently identifies with Paradise (2 Corinthians 12:2).


' 1. Eschatological Idea
2. Earliest Conceptions: Cosmic verses National Type
3. Different from Mythological Theory
4. Antiquity of Cosmical Conception
5. The Cosmical Dependent on the Ethico-Religious
6. The End Correspondent to the Beginning
7. The Cosmical Heavens: Hebrews 12:26-29
8. Palingenesis: Matthew 19:28
9. A Purified Universe
1. Eschatological Idea:
The formal conception of new heavens and a new earth occurs in Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:222 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1 (where 'heaven,' singular). The idea in substance is also found in Isaiah 51:16Matthew 19:282 Corinthians 5:17; Hebrews 12:26-28. In each case the reference is eschatological, indeed the adjective 'new' seems to have acquired in this and other connections a semi-technical eschatological sense. It must be remembered that the Old Testament has no single word for 'universe,' and that the phrase 'heaven and earth' serves to supply the deficiency. The promise of a new heavens and a new earth is therefore equivalent to a promise of world renewal.
2. Earliest Conceptions: Cosmic verses National Type:
It is a debated question how old in the history of revelation this promise is. Isaiah is the prophet with whom the idea first occurs in explicit form, and that in passages which many critics would assign to the post-exilic period (the so-called Trito-Isaiah). In general, until recently, the trend of criticism has been to represent the universalistic-cosmic type of eschatology as developed out of the particularistic-national type by a gradual process of widening of the horizon of prophecy, a view which would put the emergence of the former at a comparatively late date. More recently, however, Gressmann (Der Ursprung der israelitisch-judischen Eschatologie, 1905) and others have endeavored to show that often even prophecies belonging to the latter type embody material and employ means of expression which presuppose acquaintance with the idea of a world-catastrophe at the end. On this view the world-eschatology would have, from ancient times, existed alongside of the more narrowly confined outlook, and would be even older than the latter. These writers further assume that the cosmic eschatology was not indigenous among the Hebrews, but of oriental (Babylonian) origin, a theory which they apply not only to the more developed system of the later apocalyptic writings, but also to its preformations in the Old Testament. The cosmic eschatology is not believed to have been the distinctive property of the great ethical prophets, but rather a commonly current mythological belief to which the prophets refer without formally endorsing it.
3. Different from Mythological Theory:
Its central thought is said to have been the belief that the end of the world-process must correspond to the beginning, that consequently the original condition of things, when heaven and earth were new, must repeat itself at some future point, and the state of paradise with its concomitants return, a belief supposed to have rested on certain astronomical observations.
4. Antiquity of Cosmical Conception
While this theory in the form presented is unproven and unacceptable, it deserves credit for having focused attention on certain phenomena in the Old Testament which clearly show that Messianic prophecy, and particularly the world-embracing scope which it assumes in some predictions, is far older than modern criticism had been willing to concede. The Old Testament from the beginning has an eschatology and puts the eschatological promise on the broadest racial basis (Genesis 3). It does not first ascend from Israel to the new humanity, but at the very outset takes its point of departure in the race and from this descends to the election of Israel, always keeping the Universalistic goal in clear view. Also in the earliest accounts, already elements of a cosmical universalism find their place side by side with those of a racial kind, as when Nature is represented as sharing in the consequences of the fall of man.
5. The Cosmical Dependent on the Ethico-Religious:
As regards the antiquity of the universalistic and cosmical eschatology, therefore, the conclusions of these writers may be registered as a gain, while on the two other points of the pagan origin and the unethical character of the expectation involved, dissent from them should be expressed. According to the Old Testament, the whole idea of world-renewal is of strictly super-natural origin, and in it the cosmical follows the ethical hope. The cosmical eschatology is simply the correlate of the fundamental Biblical principle that the issues of the world-process depend on the ethico-religious developments in the history of man (compare 2 Peter 3:13).
6. The End Correspondent to the Beginning:
But the end correspondent to the beginning is likewise a true Scriptural principle, which theory in question has helped to reemphasize, although there is this difference that Scripture does not look forward to a repetition of the same process, but to a restoration of the primeval harmony on a higher plane such as precludes all further disturbance. In the passages above cited, there are clear reminiscences of the account of creation (Isaiah 51:16, 'that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth'; Isaiah 65:17, 'I create new heavens and a new earth'; 2 Peter 3:13 compared with 2 Peter 3:4-6Revelation 21:1 compared with the imagery of paradise throughout the chapter). Besides this, where the thought of the renewal of earth is met with in older prophecy, this is depicted in colors of the state of paradise (Isaiah 11:6-9Hosea 2:18-21). The 'regeneration' (palingenesia) of Matthew 19:28 also points back to the first genesis of the world. The `inhabited earth to come' (oikoumene mellousa) of Hebrews 2:5 occurs at the opening of a context throughout which the account of Genesis 1-3 evidently stood before the writer's mind.
7. The Cosmical Heavens: Hebrews 12:26-29:
In the combination 'new heavens and a new earth,' the term 'heavens' must therefore be taken in the sense imposed upon it by the story of creation, where 'heavens' designates not the celestial habitation of God, but the cosmical heavens, the region of the supernal waters, sun moon and stars. The Bible nowhere suggests that there is anything abnormal or requiring renewal in God's dwelling-place (Hebrews 9:23 is of a different import). In Revelation 21, where 'the new heaven and the new earth' appear, it is at the same time stated that the new Jerusalem comes down from God out of heaven (compare 21:1, 2, 10). In Hebrews 12:26-28 also the implication is that only the lower heavens are subject to renewal. The 'shaking' that accompanies the new covenant and corresponds to the shaking of the law-giving at Sinai, is a shaking of 'not the earth only, but also the heaven.' This shaking, in its reference to heaven as well as to earth, signifies a removal of the things shaken. But from the things thus shaken and removed (including heaven), the writer distinguishes 'those things which are not shaken,' which are destined to remain, and these are identified with the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God, however, according to the general trend of the teaching of the epistle, has its center in the heavenly world. The words 'that have been made,' in 12:27, do not assign their created character as the reason why heaven and earth can be shaken, an exegesis which would involve us in the difficulty that among that which remains there is something uncreated besides God; the true construction and correct paraphrase are: 'as of things that were made with the thought in the mind of God that those things which cannot be shaken may remain,' i.e. already at creation God contemplated an unchangeable universe as the ultimate, higher state of things.
8. Palingenesis: Matthew 19:28:
In Matthew 19:28 the term palingenesia marks the world-renewing as the renewal of an abnormal state of things. The Scripture teaching, therefore, is that around the center of God's heaven, which is not subject to deterioration or renewal, a new cosmical heaven and a new earth will be established to be the dwelling-place of the eschatological humanity. The light in which the promise thus appears reminds us that the renewed kosmos, earth as well as cosmical heavens, is destined to play a permanent (not merely provisional, on the principle of chiliasm) part in the future life of the people of God. This is in entire harmony with the prevailing Biblical representation, not only in the Old Testament but likewise in the New Testament (compare Matthew 5:5Hebrews 2:5), although in the Fourth Gospel and in the Pauline Epistles the emphasis is to such an extent thrown on the heaven-centered character of the future life that the role to be played in it by the renewed earth recedes into the background. Revelation, on the other hand, recognizes this element in its imagery of 'the new Jerus' coming down from God out of heaven upon earth.
9. A Purified Universe:
That the new heavens and the new earth are represented as the result of a 'creation' does not necessarily involve a production ex nihilo. The terms employed in 2 Peter 3:6-13 seem rather to imply that the renewal will out of the old produce a purified universe, whence also the catastrophe is compared to that of the Deluge. As then the old world perished by water and the present world arose out of the flood, so in the end-crisis 'the heavens shall be dissolved by fire and the elements melt with fervent heat,' to give rise to the new heaven and the new earth in which righteousness dwells. The term palingenesia (Matthew 19:28) points to renewal, not to creation de novo. The Talmud also teaches that the world will pass through a process of purification, although at the same time it seems to break up the continuity between this and the coming world by the fantastic assumption that the new heavens and the new earth of Isaiah 65:17 were created at the close of the Hexemeron of Genesis 1. This was inferred from the occurrence of the article in Isaiah 66:22, 'the new heavens and the new earth.'
Geerhardus Vos





See ASTRONOMY, sec. I, 4.

More Treatsupload Heaven3772. ouranos -- heaven
.. Transliteration: ouranos Phonetic Spelling: (oo-ran-os') Short Definition: the sky,
the heaven Definition: heaven, (a) the visible heavens: the atmosphere, the ..
// - 7k

2014. epiphaino -- to show forth, ie to appear
.. epiphaino Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ee-fah'-ee-no) Short Definition: I appear, shine
upon Definition: I appear (as of a light in the heavens or from the heavens..
// - 7k

761. asaleutos -- unmoved
.. [Heb 12:26b-28b prophesies the coming of 'the new heavens and the new earth'
for the New Jerusalem.]. Word Origin from alpha (as a neg. ..
// - 7k

5310. hupsistos -- highest, most high
.. Superlative from the base of hupsos; highest, ie (masculine singular) the Supreme
(God), or (neuter plural) the heavens -- most high, highest. see GREEK hupsos. ..
// - 6k

935. basileus -- a king
.. Cognate: 935 -- a (sovereign); often referring to Christ who is 'the King of kings'
(Rev 19:16), ie King over the Kingdom of the heavens (God). ..
// - 7k

8065. shamayin -- heavens
.. 8064, 8065. shamayin. 8066 . heavens. Transliteration: shamayin Phonetic
Spelling: (shaw-mah'-yin) Short Definition: heaven. Word ..
/hebrew/8065.htm - 6k

8064. shamayim -- heaven, sky
.. heaven, sky NASB Word Usage astrologers* (1), compass (1), earth (1), heaven (191),
heaven and the highest (2), heaven and the highest heavens (1), heaven of ..
/hebrew/8064.htm - 6k

5906. Ayish -- (a constellation) perhaps Great Bear
.. Arcturus. Or Ash {awsh}; from uwsh; the constellation of the Great Bear (perhaps
from its migration through the heavens) -- Arcturus. see HEBREW uwsh. ..
/hebrew/5906.htm - 6k

4791. marom -- height
.. Word Origin from rum Definition height NASB Word Usage above* (1), exalted (1),
exalted places (1), haughtily (2), heaven (1), heavens (1), height (4), heights ..
/hebrew/4791.htm - 6k


The Copies of Things in the Heavens
unto Moses, saying, 2. On the first day of the first ..
/../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/the copies of things in.htm

The Shaking of the Heavens and the Earth
.. Sermon III The Shaking of the Heavens and the Earth. The Shaking of the Heavens
and the Earth .. and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea,. ..
// vol 1/sermon iii the shaking of.htm

The Shaking of the Heavens and the Earth (Preached at the Chapel ..
Royal, Whitehall.). HEBREWS XII.26-29. But now he hath ..
/../kingsley/the water of life and other sermons/sermon vi the shaking of.htm

The Shaking of the Heavens and the Earth.
Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. ..
/../kingsley/westminster sermons/sermon viii the shaking of.htm

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God. --Ps. xix.
.. ORIGINAL HYMNS HYMN XV. The Heavens declare the Glory of God.'Ps. .. The Heavens declare
the Glory of God.'Psalm 19.p>. Thy glory, Lord, the heavens declare,. ..
/../montgomery/sacred poems and hymns/hymn xv the heavens declare.htm

Whether Christ Ascended Above all the Heavens?
.. OF THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST (SIX ARTICLES) Whether Christ ascended above all the
heavens? .. Therefore Christ did not ascend above all the heavens. ..
/../aquinas/summa theologica/whether christ ascended above all.htm

The Heavens and the Earth Serve You
.. THE SECOND CENTURY 78 The Heavens and the Earth serve you. The Heavens
and the Earth serve you, not only in shewing unto you your ..
/../traherne/centuries of meditations/78 the heavens and the.htm

The Final Conflict and Heaven the New Heavens and New Earth.
.. The Final Conflict and Heaven The new Heavens and new Earth. XI. The new Heavens
and new Earth. 8,6,8,6. Herzlich thut mich erfreuen. [406]J. Walther.1557. ..
/../the final conflict and heaven 12.htm

That the Heaven of Heavens was an Intellectual Creature, but that ..
.. Chapter IX.'That the Heaven of Heavens Was an Intellectual Creature, But that the
Earth Was Invisible and Formless Before the Days that It Was Made. ..
/../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/chapter ix that the heaven of.htm

Letters, Symbols of the Heavens.
.. Book VI. Chapter XLIII'Letters, Symbols of the Heavens. He has, however,
employed the instrumentality of the aggregate of the ..
/../the refutation of all heresies/chapter xliiiletters symbols of the.htm

Heavens (548 Occurrences)
.. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia CHAMBERS IN THE HEAVENS. ..More Treatsupload HeavenHEAVENS. hev'-'nz (shamayim;More Treatsupload Heaven
ouranoi): On the physical

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heavens see ASTRONOMY; WORLD. ..
/h/heavens.htm - 49k

Skies (36 Occurrences)
.. (See NIV). Deuteronomy 33:26 'There is none like God, Jeshurun, who rides on
the heavens for your help, In his excellency on the skies. ..
/s/skies.htm - 15k

Consumeth (37 Occurrences)
.. 2 Kings 1:10 And Elijah answereth and speaketh unto the head of the fifty, 'And
if I 'am' a man of God, fire doth come down from the heavens, and consume thee ..
/c/consumeth.htm - 17k

Stretcheth (33 Occurrences)
.. Exodus 9:23 And Moses stretcheth out his rod towards the heavens, and Jehovah hath
given voices and hail, and fire goeth towards the earth, and Jehovah raineth ..
/s/stretcheth.htm - 16k

Stretches (14 Occurrences)
.. (WEB NAS). Job 9:8 He alone stretches out the heavens, and treads on the waves of
the sea. (WEB NAS NIV). .. He stretches out the heavens like a curtain. ..
/s/stretches.htm - 10k

Starry (14 Occurrences)
.. Nehemiah 9:6 You are Yahweh, even you alone; you have made heaven, the heaven of
heavens, with all their army, the earth and all things that are thereon, the ..
/s/starry.htm - 10k

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Attentively (35 Occurrences)
.. Genesis 15:5 and He bringeth him out without, and saith, 'Look attentively, I pray
thee, towards the heavens, and count the stars, if thou art able to count ..
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Wrongs wren songwrenegade stables west milford. WRNGS Wren Song Part of Wrenegade's original string of imported drum horses, Wren is also one of the most successful horses the stable has had the pleasure to own. Her sweet temperament is unmatched, though she does have a streak of being overprotective of her family and herd. Italian Song Wartime Melody Mare Blue Unicorn Stables Sept '12 Belle Soliel Beata Maria Mare Quiet Meadows Ranch Sept '12 Tide Walker Classy Heart Stallion Seven Oaks Acres Nov '12. Breed: Drum Horse Color: Dark Bay Barn Name: Donny Status: Stud Stud Available: Yes Despite his size, Donny is an exceptionally quiet and laid-back horse, and a pleasure to work with because of it. WRNGS Sir Gunnery Gunner is a horse who definitely lives up to his regal title; he carries himself with a nonchalant, dignified air, making his knightly title of 'Sir' very accurate. Although he can sometimes be an aloof stallion, he's never once been known to be mean, and has been a trusted mount for children attending riding classes at. There’s a lot of a few different horrors in the world right now (and obv. Have been for quite a while) but back in the fall/winter, before the world slid further into the swamp that’s now only deeper, I was super honored to take part in this email back&forth (across months), initiated by author (and maybe less-well-known: extremely knowledgeable & accomplished musician) Rick Moody.

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Shower (22 Occurrences)
.. (YLT). Genesis 8:2 and closed are the fountains of the deep and the net-work of
the heavens, and restrained is the shower from the heavens. (YLT). ..
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Bowing (35 Occurrences)
.. Deuteronomy 4:19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes towards the heavens, and hast
seen the sun, and the moon, and the stars, all the host of the heavens, and ..
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Spreadeth (37 Occurrences)
.. 1 Kings 8:22 And Solomon standeth before the altar of Jehovah, over-against all
the assembly of Israel, and spreadeth his hands towards the heavens, (YLT). ..
/s/spreadeth.htm - 17k

Is the idea of seven heavens / the seventh heaven biblical? |
What are the New Heavens and the New Earth? |
What does it mean that the heavens declare the glory of God? |
Heavens: Dictionary and Thesaurus |
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There is soon to be a movie in your neighborhood called, “Heaven is for Real.” It is based on the best-seller book, Heaven is for Real: A Little Boys Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back, by Todd Burpo (Thomas Nelson, 2010). This account has some evangelical Christians calling it a hoax, and others calling a valuable contribution to teach the reality of heaven. Regardless, it will bring in millions of dollars.

In the story, a young boy of four named Colton, while under anesthesia for a ruptured appendix, claims he went to heaven and saw many fanciful things: all the people had wings, except Jesus who just floated up and down; all the people had halos over their heads; the Father had golden hair; the Holy Spirit was bluish; Jesus rode a rainbow-colored horse; Jesus sat at God’s right hand and Gabriel on the left; he saw John the Baptist, the virgin Mary, as well as Satan; and the story goes on. Jesus said He died so people could go “to see His Dad”. This boy’s father, who authored the book, is a Wesleyan Methodist minister in Nebraska. I’m sure this little boy had previously heard about some of things he talked about (he is now about 13 years old). It is likewise possible that this boy did have a dream while he was under anesthesia. Does that make heaven real? And what is Satan doing in heaven? Christian usually don’t think they will bump into him.

It is a sad commentary on the church of today when there are so many who will recommend this book and movie as a way of proving that heaven is for real (the doubting-Thomas syndrome, Jn. 20:24-29). Heaven IS for real, but when I say that it is by faith and not by sight. It is real because it is taught in the Bible, without all the false details that are in this book. When we read a book, claiming to be true, that contradicts or adds to the Bible (Rev. 22:18, 19), we should stop reading and put it down. Interestingly, in all the near-death visions of heaven, no two agree on what they saw.

The Bible has many things to say about heaven as the hope of those who die in Christ. It does not give the depictions contained in this book, nor have those who died come back to describe it (cf. II Cor. 12:2-4). If that were important, God would have told us. Certainly the Father and the Holy Spirit are invisible (Col. 1:15; Jn. 1:18). I Cor. 2:9 teaches, “But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (cf. I Pet. 1:8)

Without going further into this story, we know it is false because it contradicts the Bible. But, what is troubling is that many well-meaning Christians think that this proves the existence of heaven. There have been other movies, recently “Noah”, which try to depict biblical stories and events. I have yet to hear of one that does not violate some or all the clear teachings of the Bible. Yet many think this gives proof of the Bible’s teaching. Remember that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

Do we really need extra-biblical depictions in order to believe the Bible? No, and this is where the problem lies. Will these man-made adventures be more effective than the Word of God itself, or more powerful than the Holy Spirit in applying that Word? Have we really reached the point where we need to see before we believe (II Cor. 5:7)? Is the Bible insufficient? Is it now useless to do as the Bereans did and search out all things from the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)? Do we need scientific evidence to validate Scripture? Is it now proper to make an image of any person of the Godhead? Do our subjective experiences have more validity than the written, inspired Word of God?

These are questions that all Christians need to answer with a resounding “No!” More than that amidst the plethora of movies and books, we need to increasingly read and study the Holy Scripture itself. That Word is realTruth as given to us by God. It is the source of truth for all of faith and life. May the Holy Spirit enlighten us more and more as He applies the wonderful words of life.


In other news, this will be my last issue as editor of the Reformed Herald. Synod will certainly elect someone who is qualified to continue this work. I have been in this position for thirteen years where I have tried to maintain and, in small ways, to improve this publication. I give a hearty “Thank You!” to the contributors each month, to my helpers, and to those who make this magazine a part of their regular reading.

PHT, Modesto, CA