Academic members of good standing of ATINER may undertake one or more of the following activities:
- Present more than one paper pending they are accepted and pay fee only for the first presentation.
- Chair a session in a conference without paying any fee subject to availability (usually more demands than sessions and preferences are given to those who pay the registration fee).
- Belong to 1 or 2 units and 1 center of ATINER and based on academic merit serve in the editorial board of ATINER’s academic journals.
- Become editors or associate editors of one of ATINER’s academic journals. Prior international experience with editing is required.
- Referee papers submitted for publication in books and journals published by ATINER.
- Edit books based on selected papers presented at one or more conferences organized by ATINER that have a common thematic focus. Prior international experience with editing is required.
- Become members of the scientific and organizing committee of the conferences of the units they belong.
- Organize mini (thematic) conferences as part of a more general conference (needs Board’s approval).
- Propose and organize a new general conference (needs Board’s approval).
- Organize special/invited conference sessions on topics of specific interest.
- Organize streams as part of the conferences (Click here for details).
- Develop research bids in collaboration with other institutions. In case of a successful application, the principal investigator (project leader) assumes full responsibility for the management of the funds, while no deductions are made by ATINER.
- Organize study tours in Greece for undergraduate or postgraduate students in collaboration with universities outside Greece.
- Moreover, the academic members of ATINER are welcome to make proposals for the organization of any other activity that may broaden the academic undertakings of the Association. If you would like to express interest in engaging in one or more of the above activities or if you need any information/clarifications about the respective procedures involved, please contact the President’s Office at
Date Upcoming Courses; 20-28 November 2020: A Study Tour Program on 'Education in Greece, the Impact of Historical and Cultural Contexts' in collaboration with. Athenian educates students in grades 6–12 on an approximately 75-acre (300,000 m 2) campus at the base of Mt. Diablo, located in the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California. Athenian was founded by Dyke Brown (1915–2006) in 1965.
Benefits of academic members of ATINER:
- All members of good standing can participate in any academic event organized by ATINER throughout the year for free if they do not present a paper. If a paper is presented, the fee must be paid for the first paper presentation of the year.
- Can present online paying half of the regular fee if online presentations are permitted.
- Pending availability, ATINER provides office space and basic administrative and secretarial assistance if they want to carry out research in Athens. This applies only for academic members whose permanent academic affiliations are located outside Greece and for short periods of time (up to three months-one academic term) and particular days of the week. The research project needs official approval by ATINER.
- Pending availability ATINER provides rooms for small meetings strictly for its academic members only otherwise a fee must be paid.
- E-mail and business cards can be provided upon request. The cost of printed business cards will be covered by the academic member.
Online Courses
- Details
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