Exam Sucks

Exams sucks quotesQuotes
michael claytonAug 16, 2012

Red Tape

The following statements are factual:
PSI writes and grades their own exams, and will not under any circumstance release exam content.
PSI has no appeal or review process. If you fail, too bad.
PSI kicks back money to NRED, that is why they are the only game in town.
Tests contain vague ambiguous questions based on semantics.
They make money on test re-takes at $100 a shot.
PSI does not recognize any outside education or books. So prior to taking an exam, the test taker is studying on mere speculation as to what they think might be on the test. None of the real estate books which are published match the PSI real estate exams contents. Publishers have no way of knowing what is on the tests.
The Nevada Secretary of State does not have a complete list of PSI CEO's, nor do they care. Spare reborn elite exploiters build. Red tape and bureaucracy run rampant in Las Vegas, good luck cutting through it. PSI, located in some random warehouse in California changes COE info on a quarterly basis. Why ?!
Better Business bureau and Consumer affairs are currently investigating PSI.
There are also numerous pending law suits regarding PSI's test contents. PSI hides behind their self written NRS codes in Nevada claiming that they can do what ever they want because of copy right laws. This is false and untrue.

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Exam Sucks

QuotesExam SucksExam Sucks

Exams Sucks Quotes

Law school exams suck. The hype around law school exams sucks way more. As I mentioned last time, my fellow pupils spent the bulk of the exam “study” period setting their hair alight. And again, this week has taught me that panic is contagious. I was inexplicably more nervous about these exams than I was about my doctoral defense.